
Honor Board Dedications

The Kenmure Fights Cancer Honor Board is a way to
  •   Remember those we have lost to cancer . . .
  •   Honor those who have survived the battle . . .
  •   Support those who are struggling today against this terrible disease.
Memorials: Upon request, we will be glad to send a note that a donation has been made in memory of a loved one. Click here for more information.

View list of 2021 Dedications

Dedications are posted below as soon as possible after receipt.


We hope to display the Honor Board in the KCC Grill Room
during the month of August.

Contributions in any amount are greatly appreciated!

You can create your dedication in three different ways:

  • Click here for a form in PDF format.
    • Best way to pay by check - or -
    • Click the Sign-up button below.
      • Best way to pay by KCC account - or -

      Cash, check and credit card donations are tax deductible.
      KCC charges are NOT tax deductible.

      Chair: Sally Hale

      These loved ones have been honored in 2021.
      Donor           In Memory, Honor, Support of
      Susan AllenIn Support of Libby Zorbas 
      Susan AllenIn Support of Paul Cooper 
       Vicki Altmeyer & Al ReamsIn Honor of Kenmure Fights Cancer 
       Ann Armstrong

      In Support

      all those in the fight and

      all those who care for and support them. 

       Karen & Bob BalkmanIn Support of Susan Bush & KF
       Karen & Bob BalkmanIn Support of Sandy Hastie 
       Karen & Bob BalkmanIn Support of George Tennille 
       Karen & Bob BalkmanIn Support of Frank Santos 
       Karen & Bob BalkmanIn Memory of Dan Dantin 
       Peter BenzingIn Memory of Eva Benzing 
       CC Blackburn & Burt GraymanIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer 
       Connie Blanton

      In Honor Of Don Blanton

      Cancer Survivor 

       Robert & Annette Bonner

      In Honor of Annette G. Bonner

      Cancer Survivor 

       P. Boudreaux In Memory of D. R. 
       Betty Brown In Support of Cliff Brown 
       Susan & Richard BushIn Memory of Dave Hussey 
       Susan & Richard BushIn Memory of Tony Hussey 
       Susan & Richard BushIn Honor of our Sisters & Brothers 
       Tom & Linda CarpenterIn Memory of Ray Tanner 
       Lynn CarrollIn Memory of Claircy Purinton 
       Jon & Beth Couch In Honor of Lisa K. Bryant 
       John & Donna CrawfordIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer 
      Valerie & William DouberleyIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer 
      Pete & Debbie Dunderdale

      In Memory of Donna J. Godush,

      passed August 10, 2021 

      Pete & Debbie Dunderdale

      In Honor of Dohna Lee Dunderdale,

      in her continuing fight against cancer. 

       John ElyIn Memory of Betty A. Ely 
       Ted EtheringtonIn Memory of Carolyn Etherington 
       Judy & Joe Faraldo

      In Memory of

      Tina Weil-Jones, Judy's sister &

      Anthony Faraldo, Joe's brother 

       Mike & Georgie Farmer

      In Memory of Jerry Colley

      Enjoy Heavenly Bike Rides 

       Betsy Gunn

      In Memory of James Gunn

      In Memory of David Hussey 

      Wendy Hamil  In Memory of Lula Mae Blackwell
       Marian & Roger Hansen In Honor & Memory of David Hussey 
       Dennis HarmonIn Honor of Nancy Harmon 
       Sandy & Donna Hastie

      In Honorof

      Kenmure's Men's & Women's Bible Groups 

      Don & Elaine HessongIn Memory of Friends & Family 
       Michael & Melodie HodgesIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer 
       Judy HughsIn Support of Nat Hughs III
       Alan & Pam Jastczemski

      In Memory of Mark Jastczemski

      Missed Beyond Measure 

       Bill & "B" JohnsonIn Support of Ann Armstrong 
      Bill & "B" JohnsonIn Support of Dick Carter 
      Bill & "B" JohnsonIn Memory of Wick Casey 
      Bill & "B" JohnsonIn Memory of Carol Etherington 
      Susan Kasper & Joe Pucilowski

      In Memory of

      Frances DeFrancisco &

      Florence Pucilowski

      Dan & Edie Lang 

      In Memory of Dave Hussey

      A privilege to have known him. 

       Dan & Edie Lang In Memory of Joe Bronitsky 
       Guy & Vicki LearyIn Memory of our dear friend, Jerri Russell 
       Carmen Lehtinen & Bryan WesselinkIn Memory of Timo 
       David & Sharon Leiman

      In Honor of All the Volunteers

      that make KFC possible 

       David & Sharon Leiman

      In Memory of Those Who Have Gone before.

      In Honor of Those Caregivers who remain. 

       Ray & Lilana LiottaIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer 
       Carol L. LyonsIn Memory of All Cancer Patients 
       William & Bonnie ManosIn Honor of All Cancer Survivors
       Martha MarshallIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer 
       Ron & Barbara MastermanIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer 
       Richard MearsIn Memory of Wendy Mears 
       Linda & Herb Mensch

      In Memory of David Hussey

      What a wonderful young man! 

       Susan Mentelos

      In Memory of Sally Williams &

      Sally Ann Williamson 

       Eileen & Wesley Moore In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer 
       Tom & Jackie MurrillIn Support of Sarah Swartz 
       Jackie Murrill & The Dining DivasIn Memory of Jan Hexdall 
      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan AllenIn Support of George Tennille 
      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Honor of Kathy Newbold
      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan AllenIn Support of Ann Armstrong
      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan AllenIn Support of Gerry Ashbeck
      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan AllenIn Support of Dick Carter
      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen

      In Support of Josie Garafano Caudle

      We miss you!

      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan AllenIn Support of Mike Gorno
      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan AllenIn Support of Martin Greedy
      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen

      In Support of Bob Huffman

      "Golfer Extraordiniare"

      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan AllenIn Support of Claude Kellogg
      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan AllenIn Support of Randy Patton
      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen

      In Support of Marsha Rodgers

      5 years Cancer Free

      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan AllenIn Support of Terry Smith
      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan AllenIn Memory of Carolyn Etherington
      Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen

      In Memory of David Hussey

      One who made a difference in the lives of those he loved.

       Mary Jane & Larry PriceIn Memory of Dr. Richard Oldham 
       Chip & Karen Pryde

      In Support of

      All those fighting cancer and their families and friends who support them. 

       Bruce & Trisha Roellke

      In Memory of our parents,

      Evelyn & James Chavis 


      Helen & Art Roellke

       June Rostetter    In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer
       Bobbe & Peter RowanIn Memory of Family & Friends 
       Frank Santos In Memory of Dan Dantin
      Bill & Karen Skelton

       In Honor of

      Amy Calhoun who is continuing her fight

      In Honor of

      Abby Fisher who is continuing her fight

      In Memory of Jean Stuckey
       Karen Skelton

      In Honor of Bill Skelton

       Karen Skelton

       In Honor of Carol Battacchio 

      What a friend!

       Mary Beth & Robert Stevens

       In Support of

      Dotti Anderson & Susan Griffiths

       Sylvia & George Tennille

       In Support of those fighting cancer &

      In Memory of those who lost the fight

      Christina & Ron Thornton In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer
       Denise & Jim Todd In Memory of Brenda Thomas - Mom
       Harmon TrogdonIn Memory of Mona Trogdon 
       Mary & George TydaIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer 
       David & Lorraine WatsonIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer 
       Bob Wilson In Memory of Patricia I. Wilson 
       In Memory of Joanne Jone
       Mr. & Mrs. YuskanichIn Memory of John & Walter Markowski 

      Kenmure Fights Cancer, c/o Leslie Robins, 2025 President, 308 Kenmure Drive Flat Rock, NC 28731 Contact: Cell (832) 566-6129 or leslie.robins@att.net

      Kenmure Fights Cancer has both Donor-Advised and Designated Funds with the Community Foundation of Henderson County.

      Website: www.cfhcforever.org                  Contact: (828) 697-6224

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