Pardee Use of Funds
Click here for use of 2024 funds.
2023 Funds were used for the following two projects:
Part 1: Simulator Laser Marking System ($15,000). Highly specialized CT scanner for the purpose of precisely locating the tumor. Aids in delivering the dose to the lesion, while avoiding critical surrounding structures. Employs 3D imaging.
Part 2: SunCHECK Quality Assurance Platform ($38,000). The linear accelerator must undergo multiple checks each day to ensure proper operation. The proposed Platform will consolidate all Quality Assurance tests and data into one cloud-based solution. By integrating testing devices and results, Pardee will be able to access all data from one database, thereby providing robust analysis and trending of machine performance.
2022 Funds were used to purchase Contrast Enhanced Mammography Software
(Requested by Radiology Department and Dr. Jennifer McCallister)
Cost of Software: $71,250 (We donated $64,000.18 towards this item.)
The I-View Contrast Enhanced Mammography (CEM) software is an emerging modality that combines our conventional breast mammography technology with a contrast enhanced image of the patient to improve cancer detection.
These enhanced images provide greater detail when necessary to help the care team diagnose potential problems. This technique of CEM has comparable performance to breast MRI and can be used as an alternative if there are physical limitations due to patient anxiety or size, implanted devices or financial burden.
Left: Standard 3-D Image
Right: I-View Contrast Enhanced Mammography Image
2019 & 2020 & 2021 Funds were used to kick off their $1 million plus campaign for a portable cancer screening vehicle.
Pardee has identified certain geographic areas that have a high rate of Stage 4 Breast Cancer.
This year the funds we raise will advance the technology available to the cancer center pharmacy where infusions are prepared. Currently the lab uses a manual process called volumetric compounding. The new system, BD CATO, would integrate software with hardware.
This system, called gravimetric compounding reduces human errors, such as selection of the wrong medication concentration, problems with packaging and names that are similar and various other conditions that lead to mistakes.
Pardee Oncology Infusion Pharmacy will be the first pharmacy in the WNC region to utilize a gravimetric compounding software for compounding sterile hazardous medications.
This program costs $42,948 annually. A 60 month contract is $217,740.
Our 2018 Kenmure Fights Cancer donation will go toward startup of this program. The hospital will add the necessary startup funds and will be responsible for funding it in the future.
If you love techno stuff and have Power Point © installed on your computer, click here to see the full presentation prepared by Robyn Bryson, Pardee Oncology Infusion Pharmacy Manager. (Hopefully this will work - but no promises!)
Click here to view how funds were used in previous years.
2017 Funds were used or additional equipment for the Radiation Department and to place the Kenmure Fights Cancer name on a second exam room.
Our funds are designated for equipment and technology in the realm of patient care. Sometimes that takes us to a world unknown to the average layperson.
(1) Pardee will use our funds for equipment that will assist with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT). According to the Radiosurgery Society, this treatment “delivers a very high dose of radiation to relatively small extracranial tumors in a single or several large fractions” and requires “precise positioning and targeting.”
“The Body Pro-Lok™ system provides an easy-to-use modular system for complex SBRT setups. These modular components are indexable to allow for reproducible setup day to day, including bridges, respiratory plate and belt options to help control patient breathing.” http://civcort.com/ro/Stereotactic-Body-Radiation-Therapy/Body-Pro-Lok-Platform-System/Body-Pro-Lok-System-for-SBRT.htm
Cost of this system is $25,000.
(2) The Radiation Oncology Inpatient Exam Room will be named for Kenmure Fights Cancer and carry the message "Because we care."
2015 Funds were allocated to the Pardee Hospital Capital Campaign for the Comprehensive Cancer Center building.
, Dec. 6, 2013.#@#_WA_-_CURSOR_-_POINT_#@#
Funds raised in 2014 went toward purchasing additional software for the nasocope.
The Pardee Blog reported on Dec 6, 2013:
"With the help of Kenmure Fights Cancer, in recent years, Pardee has been able to