AdventHealth H'ville Use of Funds
All Kenmure Fights Cancer funds are designated for the main facility in
Hendersonville and its related facilities in Western North Carolina.
Click here to see use of 2024 Funds
2023 Funds were applied to Breast Cancer Imaging
Breast Cancer: 3D imaging. In addition to the main hospital in Fletcher, AdventHealth reaches out to more rural areas in Western North Carolina. This project will take 3D imaging to those areas.
2022 funds were used to purchase Brewer Access High-Low Exam Tables
Cost: 7 units @ $7,000 = $49,000*
In many cases, it is difficult for the patient to get up on an exam table. This model allows the patient to sit as if in a chair. The table is then raised and flattened electronically.
* Cancer Services needs seven of these tables. It is possible one or more may be purchased from another source in advance of the presentation of our funds in October, 2022. If that is the case and there are funds remaining, the balance will be used to upgrade the Cancer Center waiting room furniture.
We donated $64,000.18, covering the cost of the tables and other furniture.
2021 funds were used to purchase a LOCalizer wire-free guidance system
Typically, the location of lesions in the breast are marked with a wire on the day of surgery. This leads to more complicated scheduling (radiology and surgery departments required on the same day), leading to greater stress for the patient.
The LOCalizer device allows the "marker" to be placed anytime up to the date of surgery. In other words, the patient can have the tiny Tag inserted when it is convenient, go home and return on the surgery date. It is also more accurate.
"LOCalizer is a wireless radio frequency identification (RFID) breast lesion localization system that enables precision and ease of use for breast surgery guidance. . .
"Advanced Miniature RFID Tag: Each Tag has a unique identification number and is encased in a proprietary, anti-migratory sheath, allowing for unique identification of the Tag and keeping it in its intended position. The Tag is clearly visible on ultrasound, x-ray and MRI, allowing flexible placement with multiple imaging modalities."* Cost: $50,000.
Update as of August, 2021. The company that produces the above system may make the device itself available. In that case, our funds will be used for ancillary equipment for the procedure.
*Hologic fact sheet.
2020 funds were used to purchase a new H & E Stainer.
The AdventHealth Cancer Services team is in need of a new H&E Stainer for the Pathology lab.
Pathology stainers begin the diagnostic journey for cancer patients by identifying disease in the tissue. They are the decision makers for the Oncologist because cells are normally transparent.
- When a mass is sent to the lab, the stainer helps get clear margins by coloring the cells. They can then be diagnosed and staged (see illustrations above), permitting the Oncologist to determine:
- If the cells are cancerous or benign.
- The prognosis.
- Treatment recommendations such as chemo and/or radiology.
The existing stainer is almost 20 years old and is manually operated. The new model offers:
- Automated protocol (it can be set for breast, fibroid, colon mass, etc.).
- Faster processing, resulting in less patient wait time.
AdventHealth had planned to purchase the stainer this year but due to COVID-19, all capital expenditure items have been placed on hold.
- The cost of the machine is approximately $36,200.
- The new model is much larger than the existing machine, so a minor space remodel will be necessary. This cost is in addition to that of the machine itself.
They will proudly display a Kenmure Fights Cancer naming plaque in the lab waiting room.
2019 funds were used to update the Breast Biopsy Center.
2018 funds were intended for redesign of their existing Wellness on Wheels vehicle, however, it was deemed mechanically unsound and therefore unsuitable for the intended purpose. These funds were applied to the 2019 project (see above).
2016 and 2017 funds were used to help revamp the entire infusion center in Fletcher.
2016 funds were designated to revamp and revitalize the patient resource library. Once those funds were made available, Linda Richards, Administrative Director of Park Ridge Cancer Services, went a step further by exploring the option of renovating the entire infusion center.
Combining 2016 and 2017 funds, they redesigned the research library as originally planned, purchased additional heated recliners for infusion patients, provided a table next to each chair for personal items and outlets for cell phones, tablets, etc. They also installed a sound system with music, providing “white noise” for patient privacy. By reorganizing the use of space, the center appears much larger than before.
ยท Patients and staff love these heated recliners because they ease the discomfort of cold chemotherapy infusions that sometimes extend to six hours. The chairs are very comfortable and even have a lever to help with smaller patients. Our 2015 funds helped purchase more than sixteen of these chairs for Park Ridge Health.
In addition to the Stereotactic Breast Biopsy Room, Kenmure Fights Cancer has improved patient care with other invaluable items.
State of the art Infusion Pumps
Electronic Door Openers
A patient once said to Debbie Gentry, Oncology RN (left), "I
can dress myself, drive my car and generally get around as well in my
wheelchair as others on two feet. That independence ends, however, when I
get to the door of the Infusion Unit because I have to wait for someone
to come and open the door." This statement led to our gifts of two sets of Electronic Door Openers.
One of the door openers is on the wall, immediately to Debbie's left.
Easing pain for those with hard-to-find veins