2014 Check Presentation
Ambassador Quincy says:
Halloween wasn't spooky for Kenmure Fights Cancer this year because that was the day we (the Committee and I) got to present checks to the cancer centers of Pardee Hospital and Park Ridge Health. It's what we've been working for since February and we are mighty proud to announce that we raised more than $30,000 again this year.
The check presentation was held at a luncheon at our beautiful Kenmure Country Club. The day was beautiful, too, as you can see from this great photo taken by my Dad (known to you guys as Mike Farmer). As a matter of fact, he and my Mom, Georgie, get credit for almost all these photos.
A whole bunch of people came to the luncheon. The 2014 KFC Committee and representatives from the hospitals were there, of course. We also invited some special guests this year - members of our new Ambassador's Club (more about that coming up), as well as Steve Harbison and Sharish Desponde from Kenmure Country Club.
Speaking of the Club, I am happy to report they did an excellent job. Everyone ooohed and aaahed over the table and I hear the food was delicious. I'll have to take their word for that because Mom and Dad keep insisting that I eat doggie food instead of people food. I know they are well meaning, but I do wish they'd relent in special circumstances like this. I can't get too upset, though, because Mom did bring some of my favorite treats.
Do you know Mister Jimm (Bunch) from Park Ridge Health? He's the President and CEO. Let me tell you, he is a BIG man. You can't really tell when he is down at my level, but take a look at the next shot - that's Mr. Jimm in the background behind my Mom. I realize she is pretty small, but that is ridiculous!
After I was introduced to everyone, it was time for lunch. That's when I learned about the new "Ambassador's Club" named after guess who - that's right, moi! This award was created to honor some people who made especially generous donations and contributions this year. My Mom helped me hand out the certificates to Lee & Dave Marquardt, Susan Oldham and Bob & June Ogden. Unfortunately, Sandy & Ken Jones and Diane & Doug Magnus were unable to join us. My good buddy, Mister Steve (Harbison) accepted on behalf of Kenmure Country Club.
We are so grateful to them and to everyone else who helped make this year a success.
Then it was time for the BIG EVENT. Presenting the money we raised this year! How do you like those great big checks? My special friend, Miss Josie made them up for us. Since my Dad is the Treasurer, he got to hand them out.
All of the hospital representatives repeated over and over how grateful the are for the work we do.
But that wasn't all. After we said goodbye to our guests, some of the committee and I went upstairs to find Miss Melody so we could give her a small gift as a thank you for all the work she has done for us over the past several years. (In case you don't know, Melody and my Dad keep the KFC finances in order.)
Just one last thing. Miss Susan (Bush) can't resist mentioning what happened the next day. We all woke up to about 5" of snow - and it was all gone by afternoon.
She and I as well as the rest of the committee, want to say thank you for your help this year. We've had fun and hope you did too!