
Dedications for Super Signs! 2019


These sign dedications were received for 2019

 Donor  In memory, honor, support of
 Susan Allen & Jackie Murrill Rachelle Melvin
 David & Susan Amsler  Melinda McCormick
 David & Susan Amsler  Roberta Bohn
"Anonymous"  To my heroine, "Clank"
 Inger Berg Benkt Berg
 Jeff & Beverly Chadwick Jerrold Chadwick
 Bud & Jan Cohoon Edgar & Ruth Sinclair and Charles & Celie Cohoon
 Claude & Elaine Cross Bernice Franke
 Mike & Georgie Farmer  Donna Stenerson
 Mike & Georgie Farmer  Kathy Gangi
 Gary & Diane Gallagher Roger Lange
 Going Places Travel, Inc. 
 Paul & Suzanne Gold  Tara and Robin
 Mark Goldstein & Lisa Raufeisen Sam Goldstein
 Mark Goldstein & Lisa Raufeisen Artie Luebbers
 Wes & Sylvia Jensen  Jo Anderson
 Kenmure Fights Cancer Board of Directors Susan Bush - Honoring 2018 Kenmure Woman Volunteer of the Year
 Kenmure Fights Cancer Board of Directors Melinda McCormick
 Colin & Eugenia Larsen Farfar (Kurt Larsen)
 David & Sharon Leiman To those we have lost, we remember (3 signs)
 David & Sharon Leiman To those battling, we battle with you (3 signs)
 Jerry & LaVonne McKay and Bill & Karen Skelton Marge Gaskell
 Herb & Linda Mensch Carolyn Arthurs
 Herb & Linda Mensch Dick Mensch
 Bill & Judy Pendergast  MiMi Pendergast Glogowski
 Chip & Karen Pryde  In support of all those fighting cancer and their families
 Chuck & Francoise Riecker Katherine Gee
 Chuck & Francoise Riecker Jane Ann Ullman Page
 Chuck & Francoise Riecker Ruth Riecker Kopical
 Chuck & Francoise Riecker Veronique Legley-de Goussocencourt
 Chuck & Francoise Riecker Jere Michele Dabbs
 William & Leslie Robins  Carol & Richard Keighron and Page Robins
 Bill & Karen Skelton Jean Stuckey
 Dirk & Paige Willms  Joanne Jones - in celebration of her life

Kenmure Fights Cancer, c/o Leslie Robins, 2025 President, 308 Kenmure Drive Flat Rock, NC 28731 Contact: Cell (832) 566-6129 or leslie.robins@att.net

Kenmure Fights Cancer has both Donor-Advised and Designated Funds with the Community Foundation of Henderson County.

Website: www.cfhcforever.org                  Contact: (828) 697-6224

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