These loved ones were honored in 2022.
Donor           In Memory, Honor, Support of
Vicki Altmeyer & Al Reams

In Memory of Marsha & Larry Wilnau 

Sister & Brother-In-Law, Gone Too Soon.

 David & Susan Amsler In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer.
 Ann Armstrong In Support of those fighting cancer and their families, friends and medical staff that care for them
 Karen & Bob Balkman In Memory of Guy Leary
Bob & Pat Bennett In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer.
 Scott & Nancy Benyon In Support of Mary Bosco
Scott & Nancy Benyon In Support of Steve Belton
 Sandy Bernreuter & Paul Tarrant

In Memory of Viola G. Tarrant.

In loving memory of our Mother. 

 Terry & Marsha BibleheimerIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer.
 CC Blackburn & Burt Grayman In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer.
Robert Bonner  In Honor of Annette Bonner
Penny & Paul Boudreaux  In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer.
 Betty Brown

In Honor & In Support of Cliff Brown 

To My Husband, My Hero

 Richard & Susan Bush In Memory of David Hussey
Richard & Susan Bush In Memory of Tony Hussey
 Richard & Susan Bush

In Memory of Qunicy Farmer

My Pen Pal. 

Richard & Susan Bush In Honor of our Sisters & Brothers
 Tom & Linda Carpenter In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer.
 Lynn Carroll

In Memory of Claircy Purinton

In memory of my dear friend since kindergarten. 

Josie & Matt Caudle

In Support of Jamie Refenes

We love you Cupcake!

 Beth & Jon Couch & Tom Richmond In Honor of John Crow
 Steve Craine

In Honor of Gail Craine

Breast Cancer Survivor 

 John & Donna Crawford In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer.
Valerie & Bill Douberley In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer. 
Mike Duffey

In Honor of Dr. McAllister &

Staff at Pardee Hospital

John Ely  In Memory of Betty A. Ely
Ted Etherington In Memory of Carolyn Etherington.
 Debbie & Ron Evilia In Memory of Dr. Linda Perkel
 Mike & Georgie Farmer

In Memory of Sweet Quincy

We miss you. 

Mike & Georgie Farmer

In Memory of Jerry Colley

Keep riding the heavenly skies!

 Charise & David GanttIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer
 Cynthia GregoryIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer
 Wendy Hamil

In Memory of my grandmother,

Lula Mae Blackwell.

 Nancy GornoIn Memory of Bonnie Cooper
Dennis & Nancy Harmon In Honor of Nancy Harmon
 C. Patrick & Viviane Garner

In Support of

All those individuals and families impacted by cancer. 

Donna & Sandy Hastie

In Support of all the hard working volunteers

who make Kenmure Fights Cancer

the success it is! 

 Jim & Margaret HeavnerIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer
 Don & Elaine Hessong In Memory of Friends & Family
Judy Hughs In Memory of Nat Hughs III
Judy Hughs In Memory of Bill Hughs
Jan Hundhausen & Robert Stone  In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer
 Jane & Clark Irwin In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer.
Ken Jones & Family In Memory of Joanne Jones
 Susan Kasper

In Memory of Wally,

Gayle Schwarz's father. 

Susan Kasper & Joe Pucilowski In Memory of Florence Pucilowski
Susan Kasper & Joe Pucilowski In Memory of Frances DeFrancisco
 Paul & Marguerite Kriz In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer
 Dan & Edie Lang

In Memory of Elizabeth Lang

Mom, gone too soon. 

 Edie & Dan Lang

In Memory of Joe Bronitsky

Brother, Lost too soon. 

 Carmen Lehtinen & Bryan Wesselink In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer
David & Sharon Leiman  In Honor of Caregivers
Liliana & Ray Liotta In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer
 Maggie Grace LoweIn Support of Carolyn White
 Carol Lyons In Support of Cancer Research
Dick Mears In Memory of Wendy Mears
 Ruth Mendrala

In Honor of Susan Allen,

Super Volunteer 

 Susan & Rich Mentelos In Support of Sally Williams
 Eileen & Wesley Moore In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer. 
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Memory of David Allen.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Memory of Gene Armstrong.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Ann Armstrong.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Dick & Willy Carter.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Josie Garafano Caudle.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Terry Enslen.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Memory of Carolyn Etherington.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Memory of Mike Gorno.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Martin Greedy.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen

In Memory of Quincy Farmer.

The official Ambassador of KFC who trekked from coast to coast raising funds for KFC.

He was a special boy!

Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of John Haines.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Sandy & Donna Hastie.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Bob Huffman.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Memory of David Hussey.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Don Kauffman.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Memory of Carol Kellogg.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Claude Kellogg.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Carolyn Maloy.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Randy Patton.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Sherry Preisler.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen

In Support of Marsha Rodgers.

5 year Cancer Survivor

Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of Terry Smith.
Tom & Jackie Murrill & Susan Allen In Support of George Tennille.
Tom & Jackie Murrill In Memory of Nancy West.
Bill & Judy Pendergast

In Honor of Margaret Wolfe,

A True Warrior 

Bill & Judy Pendergast In Memory of MiMi Pendergast Glogowski 
Larry & Mary Jane Price

In Memory of Doctor Richard Oldham.

In Loving Memory 

Carol O'Connell 

In loving Memory of my husband, Donald,


his sister, Anna

 Karen & Chip Pryde

In Support of those fighting cancer

and the families and friends that support them

Diane & David Quackenbush 

In Memory of Our Mothers,

Doris Quackenbush


Inez Bennett 

Gloria & Burt Richards

In Memory of Leslie Tainsky

Friend & Fellow Traveler 

 Leslie & Bill Robins

In Memory of Carol & Richard Keighron

Beloved Parents 

Leslie & Bill Robins

In Memory of Alice & Page Robins

Beloved Parents 

 Bobbe & Peter RowanIn Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer
 Frank Santos In Memory of Dan Dantin
Bill & Karen Skelton

In Memory of Lenny Anderson,

brother of  Susan Heidebrecht.

 Karen Skelton In Honor of Bill Skelton
Karen Skelton 

In Honor of Madi Shinn

Happy Birthday!

Michael Small & Susan Rohrey  In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer.
 Mary Beth & Roberts Stevens In Honor of Dotti Anderson 
Mary Beth & Roberts Stevens In Honor of Susan Griffiths
Mary Beth & Roberts Stevens In Honor of Susan Spellman
Larry & Mary Ann Stewart In Support of Family Members Fighting Cancer
 Denise & James Todd

In Memory of Brenda Thomas

With Love 

 George & MG Tyda In Honor of Sean Collins.
 David & Lorraine Watson In Honor of the staff at the cancer centers at Pardee & Advent Health. 
 Larry & Rhonda Wesselink In Support of Kenmure Fights Cancer.
 Sharen Williams

In Memory of Melvin Heisey,

"Wonderful Dad". 

 Kelly & Joel Wilner In Support of Pardee Cancer Center
 Robert B. Wilson

In Memory of Patricia I. Wilson

Loving Wife 


Kenmure Fights Cancer, c/o Leslie Robins, 2025 President, 308 Kenmure Drive Flat Rock, NC 28731 Contact: Cell (832) 566-6129 or leslie.robins@att.net

Kenmure Fights Cancer has both Donor-Advised and Designated Funds with the Community Foundation of Henderson County.

Website: www.cfhcforever.org                  Contact: (828) 697-6224

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