

2007: Kenmure fund-raising efforts on behalf of cancer begin, spearheaded by Joanne Jones. She and other Kenmurians organize a golf tournament and raffle to benefit the Susan G. Komen Rally for the Cure. Approximately $40,000 raised.

2008: Joanne Jones and her committee benefit the cancer centers of Pardee Hospital and Park Ridge Health (now Advent Health Hendersonville).

2009: Kathrine Tims assumes leadership and the committee decides to again raise funds for Susan G. Komen. When the check was submitted, Kathrine requested the funds be allocated to our area of Western North Carolina. The organization responded that all NC funds went to Charlotte and were dispersed from there. Adding that to the organization's lack of enthusiasm for this substantial contribution, the Committee decided future funds should stay in our area.

2010 - 2013: Chairperson Kathryn Tims and her committee decide to focus their efforts on all types of cancer. The name is changed to Kenmure Fights Cancer and efforts are expanded beyond golf in order to include other projects and events. Beneficiaries are Park Ridge Health (now Advent Health Hendersonville) and Pardee Hospital. At the end of 2013, after five years at the helm, Kathryn stepped down.

2014: Susan Bush, President. Efforts are channeled on maintaining the basic principles upon which the organization was founded and in expanding its reach to all Kenmure residents. The website and email system are developed to keep Kenmurians informed of current projects and events.

2015: Kenmure Fights Cancer becomes a component fund of the Community Foundation of Henderson County, thus providing the benefits of a 501-c3 corporation. The Bylaws are approved, the committee becomes an official Board of Directors and our Mission is formalized. Susan Bush, President.

2016: Kenmure Fights Cancer has a record setting year, donating $25,000 each to Pardee Hospital and Park Ridge Health for a total of $50,000. Susan Bush, President.

2017: In order to maintain community spirit and encourage contributions of all sizes, it is Kenmure Fights Cancer policy that donations are kept private within Kenmure. The hospitals, on the other hand, are free to recognize donors. With this in mind, recognition plaques honoring donations of $500 or more will be erected at both hospitals starting this year. Another record year, with a total of $75,000 raised and divided equally between Pardee Hospital and Park Ridge Health. Susan Bush, President.

2018: Ken Jones, husband of our founder, Joanne, released The Black Pearl Necklacehis book about her cancer story. He donated books for us to sell and a black pearl necklace for us to raffle off. Unfortunately, the Golf Tournament was rained out, but the other events did take place, resulting in another record year of $82,000, divided equally between Pardee Hospital and Park Ridge Health. Susan Bush, President.

2019: A remarkable year! The total donated was $118,000.18, divided equally between the cancer centers of Pardee Hospital and AdventHealth Hendersonville (formerly Park Ridge Health). Two very generous Matching Funds challenges added to the amount raised by the Honor Board. Hunter Subaru sponsored the Kenmure Krush for the fourth consecutive year. Colton Groome & Company sponsored the Golf Tournament and Hole-In-One Contest for the second year. We also had donations from Horizon/Hannah Flannagan, Harpe Laser & Wellness, Hot Dog World and Water Dance Creations. Susan Bush, President.

2020: Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to donate $75,000, divided equally between the cancer centers of Pardee Hospital and AdventHealth Hendersonville. An awesome accomplishment since the Gala Dinner, Treasure Trove, Tennis Event and Coins4Ccancer were cancelled, the Kenmure Krush was virtual and the Golf Tournament took place over a two week period. A generous contributor enabled us to triple match Krush and Golf Tournament donations. Hunter Subaru and Colton Groome again sponsored Krush and Golf respectively. The Honor Board, Super Signs! and Autobell projects were also well supported. Susan Bush, President.

2021: Another year of dodging COVID-19, and another amazing donation: $103,000.36. We were able to hold our outdoor and online events only. A modified Tennis Event was held in June. The Golf Tournament was moved to September and the Krush was held on its original date; both were well attended. Due to the cancellation of the Gala Dinner, we discovered a new process for the Treasure Trove. Instead of a Raffle, we held an Online Auction that was very successful. Hunter Subaru and Colton Groome again sponsored Krush and Golf respectively. Once again, the Honor Board, Super Signs! and Autobell projects were well supported. Susan Bush, President.

2022: It seemed that COVID would never end, but we persevered and had our best year ever: $128,000.36! The Gala Dinner was postponed a week due to an outbreak at the Club. The event was smaller than in previous years, but enjoyable nonetheless. We repeated the Treasure Trove Online Auction and took it live to the dinner. Tangible items were displayed and bidding continued with a live display shown on the screen. Hunter Subaru and Colton Groome Financial again sponsored the Krush and Golf respectively. Pryor Insurance sponsored the Gala Dinner. We again received a grant from the Horizon/Hannah Flannagan/Southern Alarm Charitable Giving Program. All other projects were well supported. Susan Bush, President.


The KFC model is different from many others. Instead of one large fund-raising event, we have several smaller ones so that we can satisfy the interests of as many residents as possible.

As our mission states, our fundraising efforts are "composed of projects and events that are fun for presenters and participants alike." Come have fun with us - and benefit the cancer patients of our local hospitals at the same time!

Bylaws & Policies


Community Foundation Agreement

Golf Tournament Guidelines

Donor Recognition Program

The Bylaws were approved March 2, 2015 and the Policies in 2017 & 2020. The additional documents are attached in order to put everything in one place for future reference.

 Click here to download a copy.

Kenmure Fights Cancer, c/o Leslie Robins, 2025 President, 308 Kenmure Drive Flat Rock, NC 28731 Contact: Cell (832) 566-6129 or leslie.robins@att.net

Kenmure Fights Cancer has both Donor-Advised and Designated Funds with the Community Foundation of Henderson County.

Website: www.cfhcforever.org                  Contact: (828) 697-6224

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