Autobell Car Wash 2024
Ambassador Quincy always said,
"Mom! Are you serious?"
This looks like a lot of work - and what is that thing, anyway?
Is that a plug? I think Dad said you should NEVER get those wet.
"We'd better go to Autobell.
They do a great job, and Kenmure Fights Cancer gets some $$$ too!"
Here's how it works:
Gift Cards: $20 each!
Cards never expire!
Good at any Autobell location!
These gift cards may be used for any of their services and are good until used up!
Choose from a wide range of services:
Available for pre-order:
May 4 -29, 2024
Tickets will be delivered in June
Three Payment options:
Click Sign-up below and select one of these options:
1. Charge to KCC account, or
2. Send a check, or
3. Pay online with your Credit Card
Opens May 4!
We couldn't resist repeating this video from 2020!
The 2024 dates are a bit different, May 4 - 29
and so is the chairperson (now Leslie Robins)
but you'll get the idea!
Click here to learn more about Quincy.